The hazard tooltip provides quick access to several features that are designed to help you understand the potential impacts of hazards. To quickly view these tools, navigate to an area on the map of interest to you and click a hazard icon.
A hazard tooltip will appear with “quick links” to more information about the hazard. The tooltip provides quick links to Products, Info, Layers, and Event Brief.
Note: You may also access hazard Products, Info, Layers, and Event Brief by selecting a hazard from the Hazard panel and one of the corresponding tabs as shown below.
Event Brief
For more, see Anticipate Hazard Impacts with Event Brief in the section to follow.
The Products link provides access to a variety of reports, custom maps, analyses, and other information shared by multiple agencies about the hazard. Below is an example of product types: |
Situational Awareness Products (for specialized maps, analyses, and modeled impact assessments)
Situation Reports (for detailed agency updates on the situation on the ground)
Damage and Needs Assessments (for information related to damage and needs)
Reference Maps (for response and recovery planning)
By default, products are listed and grouped by category and organized into subfolders by the organization who authored the products.
You can adjust the display of the products list by clicking on the Settings icon. You will find several options including the ability to sort products by time period and name.
Under settings, you can also turn on the Geocoded Products option to view products that have been geographically coded by user-defined coordinates to display on the map.
When products are geocoded, they will appear on the map automatically, allowing you to quickly identify products by location. To turn this feature off, select the Geocoded Products option in the Product Settings panel.
With the Info panel open, click the More Information button to see a summary of potential impacts reported in PDC’s Hazard Brief. Hazard Brief is a shortened version of Event Brief that offers hazard impacts for smaller-scale hazards.
Hazard Brief summarizes potential impacts to populations and infrastructure, breaking down exposure by demographic, geography, and population centers.
It also describes risk factors for vulnerable groups and offers a wealth of additional information about the hazard.
The Layers link allows you to view default hazard layers and explore other pertinent information to help assess potential impacts of a hazard. |
For example, the Estimated Wind Impacts layer shown below represents the potential severity of impacts that might be experienced over the 5-day forecast, for that area. Overlay this layer with population and critical infrastructure data to quickly assess which areas are at greater risk and may require assistance.