However, you can change or customize those options at any time, as well as Reset Preferences back to your organization or sub-organization’s default settings.
DisasterAWARE is compatible with a variety of different languages that can be selected to personalize your experience in the system. Additional languages are planned for the future.
Click the User icon from the left toolbar. Click the Language option under the Preferences tab to open the Language panel. Select from the available languages listed and click Apply. |
Choose User > Account tab to change your account information. This information is not associated with your Smart Alert notification email or SMS (text) preferences. See the section titled Receive Early Warning with Smart Alert on how to setup or change Smart Alert preferences.
Need to monitor hazards and assets across multiple time zones? View the Time Banner at the top of the map, or customize clocks to include the time zones of places you care about.
To change a clock, select it from the list and click on Location. Select a Country, a City, then Apply. Click and slide the Time Zone up or down in the Time Zones list to change the order the clocks are displayed in the banner.
Should you wish to remove a clock, select it from the list and click Delete.
When adding or customizing a clock, you can rename it to represent a specific asset or location you’re monitoring (e.g. Headquarters). |
To see the current time at any hazard location around the world, click the hazard icon and one of its quick links (Products, Info, Layers, Event Brief). The UTC clock will automatically switch to the local time in that hazard’s geographic location.