Get text and Email notifications
Smart Alert
Sign up for SmartAlert Notifications

Click the SmartAlert icon from the left toolbar. While in the SmartAlert Preferences panel, check the box alongside Email or SMS (text message), or select both types of alerts.

Select geographic areas for alerts
Smart Alert
Select geographic areas for alerts

Click on the Alert Area(s) link. use the Circle, Polygon, or Rectangle shape tools to draw one or more alert areas.

Specify hazards and severities for alerts
Smart Alert
Specify hazards and severities for alerts

Click on the Selected Hazards link.

Next, choose the severities for each type of hazard notification you’d like to receive. You will only receive alerts that meet or exceed your chosen severity.

Smart Alert Hazard Notifications
Smart Alert
Get Hazard Notifications

Smart Alert Hazard notifications will be displayed in the DisasterAWARE app and based on your notification settings, may be emailed or texted to you as well.

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