You can save your custom maps and share them with others through a bookmark link.

Click the Bookmark icon on the left toolbar and then click the three dots at the bottom of the bookmark panel. Choose Add Bookmark.

Next, choose the Extents and Layers option shown here to save your customized map layers and zoom settings. Be sure to name your bookmark something meaningful so it’s easy to find at a later date.
Select the bookmark link provided in the next panel and copy / paste to share it with others.

To view your list of bookmarks, edit the name of a bookmark, delete or export a bookmark, or to locate the URL of a bookmark you’ve already created, click the Bookmark icon on the left toolbar to view your list of bookmarks.

Click the Info icon to the right of the bookmark name in your bookmarks list to copy/paste the bookmark link. This icon also provides helpful information about the map extend, layers activated, and when the bookmark was created.
Follow the prompts to delete, duplicate, or share a bookmark as a JSON file that can be imported into another person’s account.